September 29, 2022

Why video and audio drive outsized results with LaGrowthMachine

Why video and audio drive outsized results with LaGrowthMachine

LaGrowthMachine is the automation tool helping sales teams personalize multi-channel, outbound leads at scale and reduce over 40% of their daily manual workloads. 

We sat down with Adrien Moreau Camard, Founder of LGM, to explore some best practices of automation and how Windsor takes LGM’s personalization to the next level. We dive into: 

  1. Opportunities for human moments in an automated sales funnel
  2. Why you should only ever automate what you’ve done manually
  3. How to elevate your outbounds through audio and/or video
“When you hear a person’s voice and intonation and whether they sound kind or stressed or whatever — you can’t help but connect with them a bit more deeply.” 

A human touch: Why audio stands out in automated marketing

A few months ago, the LGM team broached a new form of personalization: audio messaging. They upgraded the platform with the ability to record and send voice memos on LinkedIn. 

As ​​Adrien explains, you can't help but gain a deeper sense of understanding or connection with a person when you can hear their voice, mood, intonation, etc. 

Yes, you can personalize an email by writing in their name, details about their job, and more. But that won’t recreate the kindness, coldness, or indifference you can pick up in someone’s speech. 

Not only can audio marketing make you feel seen, it feels like you can see them, too. This experience is one of the most unique human phenomena that text AIs have yet to imitate. 

In Adrien’s case, he’s also automating his voice memos, but he’ll record them while walking down the street — with the sounds of strangers and him catching his breath and all.

He'll start the message casually as well: "Hey, [Name], I just had a minute and wanted to see if you'd checked my messages from earlier." 

Even if it’s technically a mass outbound, it sounds more like a spontaneous, personal phone call from a friend as they’re going about their day. In his words: 

“You can’t help but connect. They’re hearing your voice, so you’re not just a bunch of copied and pasted words to them anymore. That’s the great thing about audio. And video is a step further.” 

“With voice memos, my approach is: ‘Maybe it sounds a bit messy, but it feels human.’ And it feels like a real person took the effort and time out of their day.” 

How Windsor elevates LGM’s personalization through video

The LGM and Windsor teams met through mutual friends in the Y Combinator community. 

Their connection came at just the right time, recounts Adrien. LGM had been toying around with the idea of personalized video messaging at scale but hadn't been able to pull it off. 

After introducing audio capabilities, video was the natural next step — and Windsor was the perfect partner to both spark that growth and nail the necessary deep tech involved. 

When it comes to deepfakes and other AI-modified content, replicating human behaviors is a tightrope act. Any awkward, less-than-perfect pixels immediately betray the automation. 

With Windsor, Adrien affirms that, even when recipients inevitably realize the video’s deepfaked, they’re usually more fascinated and impressed by the quality of it than anything. 

Even more, these videos can, again, elevate the kind of personalization that’s possible at scale. 

Personalized audio messages already add a unique depth and dimensionality to outbounds that plain-text emails can’t achieve. By incorporating visuals, that’s yet another layer. 

With a face and body language to assign to the voice, personalized video marketing is likely the closest we’ll get (for the foreseeable future) to packaging a conversation partner in an email. 

Adrien aims to leverage this novelty and human-like factor for LGM, perhaps by: 

  • Including personalized videos in welcome messages to new LGM clients
  • Or allowing users to attach videos (each personalized with the lead’s name, profile data, and relevant micro-segment details) to their outbounds
“With Windsor, I’m looking forward to elevating our personalization. It’s not just sending the best copy, but also having a face and a voice behind those words.” 

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Avoiding the common pitfalls of automated sales

For teams juggling automated personalization at scale — whether you’re in sales, marketing, growth, or something entirely unrelated — Adrien cautions against a couple of common errors. 

1. Only automate it if you’ve done it manually

Before you can successfully automate a workflow, you need to have performed and validated it by hand. In other words: 

You have to understand a function inside and out before you can effectively teach a piece of software to perform it on your behalf. 

Adrien has seen many startup teams jump into automation a bit too early, trying to craft the perfect outbound sequence at scale without having taken a true stab at sales themselves. 

In those cases, he warns them they lose the spontaneity of the manual, experimental efforts that characterize most early teams as they come into their own and find what really works. 

For best results in this scenario, he advises: 

  1. Executing about 30–50 leads manually
  2. Gauge the replies you receive and log findings accordingly
  3. Then, start integrating automation into this workflow, since you’ve been able to suss out what kinds of messaging (from one human to another) will drive results

Ultimately, you don't want to start by assigning tasks to a bot. Rather, automation is all about: 

  • Replicating what already works manually
  • Testing markets and scenarios at scale

2. Don’t overstep your bounds with a lead

Let’s say you’ve successfully turned one of your personalized, automated outbounds into a response from a lead and then — a real conversation. 

At this step of the funnel, Adrien has seen many LGM users grow too comfortable (or simply too excited). They'll immediately try to turn that convo into a sales pitch or a booked meeting. 

As he explains, many SDRs, especially those newer to the space, don't realize timelines are slow or that it's risky behavior to push a meeting within your first few messages. 

Jumping the gun as a salesperson can also signal to potential customers that they’re on the receiving end of an automated sales engine. 

If you’re rushing to make a sale, rather than trying to build that interpersonal relationship, you’ve butchered that key element of personalization that got you that reply in the first place. 

Furthermore, you'll be hard-pressed to find a legit founder, operator, etc., who's open to booking a meeting with a stranger that randomly reached out on LinkedIn. 

In the end, it comes back to the basics of personalization and knowing your user segments. 

You need to understand their pain points and aspirations, build trust with every exchange, and, eventually, guide that buildup to lead to a meeting, a sale, and conversions and revenue. 

“​​I always advise doing it by hand before you automate it. If you jump straight in, you lose the spontaneity and learning curve of experimenting manually.”

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