September 12, 2022

Designing a Follow Up Sequence That Customers Love

Designing a Follow Up Sequence That Customers Love

A great email follow-up sequence can keep happy eCommerce customers coming back and reactivate customers that have not purchased in a while. A great follow-up email sequence is not pushy, delivers value, and connects with the recipient in a way that makes them feel special and unique. Conversely, a poor follow-up email sequence tries too hard to make a sale, is impersonal, and drives customers away from the eCommerce business. This post will detail the differences between a great follow-up email sequence and an off-putting email sequence, including how the use of personalized videos can turn your follow-up email sequences into a reliable source of business growth

What is a Follow-Up Email Sequence

A follow-up email sequence is a series of automated emails that are sent to customers after they have interacted with your eCommerce business in some way. These emails can be used to deliver value, keep customers engaged, and encourage them to return to your business.

When writing a follow-up sequence, it is critical to define what your goal is. Sending emails without purpose or structure is a waste of time. Even worse, emails that do not have a purpose will push the reader away instead of drawing them in.

Your goal might be to inform customers of new products. Maybe your goal is to encourage repeat business or ask for referrals. Perhaps your goal is simply to keep the recipient close to your brand and build rapport. Have a purpose in mind that serves your customers and your eCommerce business.

Why Great Email Follow-Ups Matter

If you've ever bought anything online then you are no doubt familiar with email follow-up sequences. Almost by default, customers are subscribed to a follow-up series of emails. These emails make it easy for the online store where you just made a purchase to keep in touch. But WHY do they want to stay present in a customer's inbox? There are more reasons than you might think at first glance. There are many benefits to having a great follow-up email sequence, including:

1. Keeps happy customers coming back

2. Reactivates customers that have not purchased in a while

3. Increases customer lifetime value

4. Creates valuable customer relationships

5. Drives business growth

6. Helps build a positive brand reputation

7. Encourages customer loyalty

8. Drives referrals and word of mouth

9. Boosts customer confidence

10. And much more…

How to Design a Follow-Up Email Sequence That Customers Will Love

When it comes to writing follow-up emails, there are certain elements that all great sequences have in common. These elements make the recipient want to read the email, look forward to future emails, and take action.

Conversely, there are also certain elements that will turn customers off and make them unsubscribe from your follow-up sequence. It is important to avoid these elements if you want your follow-up emails to be successful.

Great Follow-Up Email Sequences

A great follow-up email sequence should be:


The emails in your sequence should be personalized to the individual recipient. This means using the recipient's name, referencing their previous interactions with your business, and tailoring the content of the email to their individual needs and interests.


The emails in your sequence should offer value to the recipient. This can be in the form of helpful information, exclusive deals, or anything else that would be of interest to the customer. Remember that dozens of other emails are vying for your recipient’s attention.  You have to provide information that is valuable to the recipient first and foremost.


The emails in your sequence should establish and build upon a connection with the recipient. This can be done by sharing personal stories, offering customer testimonials, or anything else that would create a sense of rapport with the customer.


Great follow-up emails should be engaging, so as to encourage the recipient to read through to the end. This can be done through the use of strong subject lines, interesting visuals, and compelling copy.


The emails in your sequence should be concise, so as not to waste the recipient's time. This means keeping the body of each email short and to the point, and only including information that is relevant and useful to the customer.

Ineffective Email Follow-Up Sequences

An ineffective follow-up email sequence will often include one or more of the following:

Spammy subject lines

The subject lines of the emails in your sequence should not be spammy or sales-y. This will only serve to turn customers off and make them less likely to read your emails.

Impersonal content

The content of the emails in your sequence should be personalized to the individual recipient. This means using the recipient's name, referencing their previous interactions with your business, and tailoring the content of the email to their individual needs and interests.

Pushy sales tactics

The emails in your sequence should not be overly sales-y or pushy. This will only serve to turn customers off and make them less likely to make a purchase from your eCommerce business.

Poorly designed emails

The emails in your sequence should be well-designed, so as to engage and interest the recipient. This means using strong visuals (including Windsor videos!), interesting formatting, and concise copy.

Unsubscribe links that are difficult to find

The unsubscribe links in your emails should be easy for the recipient to find, so that they can opt out of your sequence if they so choose. and Great Follow-up Emails video can help you create a great follow-up email sequence by:

1. Personalizing your emails: You can use video to personalize your emails by adding the recipient's name, referencing their previous interactions with your business, and tailoring the content of the email to their individual needs and interests.

2. Adding value to your emails: You can use video to add value to your emails by including helpful information, exclusive deals, or anything else that would be of interest to the customer.

3. Connecting with your recipients: You can use video to connect with your recipients by sharing personal stories, offering customer testimonials, or anything else that would create a sense of rapport with the customer.

4. Engaging your recipients: You can use video to engage your recipients by using strong subject lines, interesting visuals, and compelling copy.

5. Keeping your emails concise: You can use video to keep your emails concise by keeping the body of each email short and to the point, and only including information that is relevant and useful to the customer.

The Money is in the Follow-Up

There is an adage in the sales world that "the money is in the follow-up." A great follow-up email sequence can help you keep happy eCommerce customers coming back and reactivate customers that have not purchased in a while. video can help you create a great follow-up email sequence by personalizing your emails, adding value to your emails, connecting with your recipients, engaging your recipients, and keeping your emails concise. So what are you waiting for? Start using video today to create a great follow-up email sequence that will encourage your customers to buy more, buy more often, and spread the word about your eCommerce store or online business.

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